The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly: 5 Worst Post-Sales Engagement Stories And how could it have been made better?

In this article, we're diving into some real-life post-sales engagement horror stories. We'll take a close look at what went wrong and, more importantly, how things could have been turned around for the better.


Hello, fellow Customer Success enthusiasts! Today, we're diving into some real-life post-sales engagement horror stories. We'll take a close look at what went wrong and, more importantly, how things could have been turned around for the better. Remember, it's not just about problems; it's about learning from them and making your customer success journey even more impactful. Let's get started!


By the end of this article, you will learn following valuable lessons:

Onboarding and clear communication are paramount.

Regular alignment of goals is vital for customer success.

Never forget your loyal customers; they are your brand advocates.

Efficient post-sale support can make or break your reputation.

Personalization is the key to unlocking customer potential.

Why Is It Important?

Customer Success is about more than just providing technical support. It's about guiding your customers towards success. Strategic conversations are essential for several reasons:

1. Building Trust: When you engage customers in strategic conversations, you move from a transactional relationship to a consultative one. This builds trust, making them more receptive to your advice.

2. Personalization: Strategic conversations allow you to understand your customer's unique needs and challenges, enabling you to offer tailored solutions.

3. Driving Growth: By identifying opportunities for your customers to improve their business, you can help them unlock untapped potential, which leads to growth.

4. Retention: Happy, engaged customers are more likely to stay with your product or service, reducing churn.

Common Pitfalls to Avoid

1. Neglecting Onboarding: The failure to have a structured onboarding process can lead to confusion and frustration. Ensure that customers are well-prepared to use your product or service from day one.

2. Misaligned Goals: Not understanding the customer's specific needs and goals can result in a mismatch between what's promised and what's delivered. Conduct thorough needs analysis before making commitments.

3. Ignoring Loyal Customers: Focusing solely on acquiring new customers while neglecting loyal ones can lead to customer churn. Show gratitude and appreciation to your long-term customers to retain their loyalty.

4. Inadequate Support: A slow or unresponsive support system can drive customers away. Invest in robust customer support to ensure issues are addressed promptly and effectively.

5. One-Size-Fits-All Approach: Treating all customers the same can result in missed opportunities. Personalization is key. Tailor your approach to meet the unique needs and challenges of each customer.

Worst Post-Sales Engagement Stories and How it have been made better?

1. The Vanishing Act

Company A had just secured a massive deal with a Fortune 500 company. The sales team celebrated their victory and moved on, but that was the beginning of the problem. After the deal was signed, there was no onboarding process in place. No one from the Customer Success team reached out to ensure a smooth transition.

The Fortune 500 company, excited about implementing the new software, was left in the dark. Their team had questions, needed training, and wanted to integrate the software into their existing systems. But with no communication from Company A, they started to feel neglected.

How it could have been made better: Company A should have had a well-structured onboarding process that kicks in immediately after the deal is closed. This process should include a dedicated point of contact, training sessions, and resources to ensure the new customer can hit the ground running. Clear expectations should have been set from day one to build trust and rapport.

2. The Misaligned Goals

Company B was thrilled to acquire a new customer in the healthcare industry. They promised cutting-edge software that would streamline operations and reduce costs. However, they failed to realize that the customer's primary goal was not cost reduction but improving patient care through data analysis.

As a result, after the sale was completed, the customer felt that they didn't receive the solution they needed. The promised features were irrelevant to their core objectives. This misalignment led to frustration and eventual churn.

How it could have been made better: To avoid this issue, it's critical to conduct thorough needs analysis before the sale. Customer Success and Sales teams should work closely to understand the customer's specific goals and challenges. Regular check-ins post-sale to ensure alignment of objectives are essential. It's about delivering the value promised, not just the product itself.

3. The Forgotten Customer

Company C had a group of loyal, long-term customers who had been with them since the beginning. However, they became so focused on acquiring new clients that they seemed to forget their existing ones. The loyal customers were left feeling unappreciated and ignored.

No one reached out to them to check on their needs, offer new features, or simply say thank you. The customers, feeling taken for granted, started exploring other options.

How it could have been made better: Customer loyalty is precious, and it should be acknowledged. A customer success team should regularly engage with long-term clients to check on their needs, offer them new features, and, most importantly, express gratitude for their loyalty. A customer success manager dedicated to managing existing relationships can go a long way in retaining loyal customers.

4. The Support Black Hole

Company D had fantastic software but a support system that was anything but fantastic. Customers who encountered issues and submitted support tickets often received no response or had to wait for weeks to get a resolution.

This lack of support led to immense frustration, and some customers began to look for alternatives. Competitors who offered a better support system capitalized on Company D's weakness.

How it could have been made better: Efficient and responsive post-sale support is a must. Company D should have invested in a robust customer support system, ensuring that issues are acknowledged promptly, communicated transparently, and resolved as quickly as possible. Customers should feel that their concerns are a top priority.

5. The One-Size-Fits-None Approach

Company E had a product that catered to a diverse range of customers, but they treated all their customers the same. They used a one-size-fits-all approach, providing the same onboarding, resources, and support to everyone.

This approach missed opportunities for upselling and cross-selling because it didn't address the unique needs and challenges of each customer. It left customers feeling undervalued and led to slower growth in the customer base.

How it could have been made better: Personalization is the key to unlocking the potential of each customer. Company E should have invested in understanding the individual needs of each customer and created tailored strategies to meet those needs. Personalized onboarding, targeted offers, and specific support can significantly enhance the customer experience and drive growth.

Our Personal Opinion:

In the world of Customer Success, learning from others' mistakes is just as crucial as celebrating success stories.So, let's use these cautionary tales as a roadmap for better post-sales engagement. Learn from the past, and watch your customer success efforts flourish.

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